National Pancake Day

Yes, today is September 26 and it is “National Pancake Day,” but is it officially “National Pancake Day?” Who said so?

According the website, it is an “unofficial national holiday.” But is the official source, or is the McGraw Hill Chase’s Calendar of Events the official source of official (and unofficial) days? I’m so confused.

We actually found multiple pancake days, each with its own variation.

IHOP has designated a “National Pancake Day” in March where they actually raise money for charities…$16 million since its 2006 inception. Nice!

There’s also a pancake day called Shrove Tuesday…the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. That’s also Fat Tuesday, so I guess pancakes go with self-indulgence in this case. Pancakes are self-indulgence for me.

Michael Park of Bon Apetit does a nice job of educating us on what makes a national day a “national day,” or not.

By the way, apparently today is also National Shamu the Whale Day. You can insert your own punchline here.

In the meantime, here are some “official” pancake images from our own “official” archives. Enjoy. – Kyle





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