Out of Reach

Over the past few years I’ve had somewhat of an obsession with tying up food. Let’s call it a fascination…obsession sounds a little bit too psycho, and I’m not that. At least I don’t think I am. Norman?

If you’ve seen my food pairings series you’ve watched as I’ve tied meatballs to San Pellegrino with spaghetti, or a scoop of ice cream to a mug of root beer with string. There are others in that food pairings series, each tied precariously together.

So, what happens when we introduce a model to the equation? Well, it’s not completely about tying someone up…let’s not go there. But the idea of tying up things (or people) does force the question about how a person might interact with food, or try to interact when restricted in some way.

That’s the basic premise for what has evolved into a series of images involving models in the role of a marionette. This series is an ongoing project for me. Unfortunately I don’t see an end to the images swirling my head for this concept.

Here are a few images from the first set.

Marionette Food Photography

Marionette Model Food Photography

Marionette Model Food Photography

Credits: Hair & Makeup: Giovanni Delgado; Wardrobe Styling: Rebecca Neenan; Food Styling: Mary Ann Fowlkes

And as always a special thanks to our excellent crew.

That’s it for now.

– Kyle

Green Divider