Playing and Testing

I’m a firm believer in taking time to play with ideas and techniques…whether a food photographer or a candle stick maker. I also find it important to test new equipment and approaches to how we photograph food or other related subject matter. I say that with conviction as though I’m good at it… The biggest challenge for us here is finding (or making) time to follow through on our own projects. We have time between client productions; we just don’t always make it a priority.

Here’s a sample of some test work we did with the idea of being a little more moody and dark with our lighting. It’s also a good excuse to dig through some lesser used props from our library…like a rusty (and heavy) slab of metal and a vintage Japanese cocktail tray. We don’t get to use these often (or ever) on other shoots. Yet another reason to schedule play time here at the studio. – Kyle


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