Banana Split Art

Food Stylist Whitney Kemp and I embarked on another food art adventure with this Jackson Pollock inspired banana split. Hershey’s Chocolate, Strawberry and Caramel Syrups offered some fun surprises and colors…and they played amazingly well together.

Banana Split Art - Food Photography Styling - 1

Banana Split Art - Food Photography Styling - 2

Banana Split Art - Food Photography Styling - 3

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Banana Split Art - Food Photography Styling - 5

Here are a couple of details images from the banana split art.

Banana Split Art - Food Photography Styling - Detail 1

Banana Split Art - Food Photography Styling - Detail 2

You can see our earlier Jackson Pollock inspired Hot Dog art where ketchup and mustard provide some interesting interactions.

Stay tuned for what comes next—no one knows, not even Whitney or me.

– Kyle

ps. See more of Whitney’s food styling work here.

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