Halloween Time

Halloween. I LOVE it.

One day, I’m going to be settled enough at our new house, that I’m going to venture into hosting the most amazing Halloween cocktail party ever. (This year is not that year, unfortunately.) I imagine blacks, whites, golds, browns, dark purples and reds, etc. coupled with skulls, bones, bats, ghouls and ghosts, antique embellishments, and lots of plants/florals. It will be marvelous and have candles galore. I know it’s probably blasphemy to the holiday, but orange will be at a minimum. (Sorry, but it’s my least favorite color.)

Themed drinks with dry ice (look up some recipes!) will be served. Nods to great Halloween movies will be present. It will be dark and elegant, and everyone will be required to dress in spooky costumes or black tie. (No sexy firefighters, superheroes, or the like allowed here, hah.) There will be printed invitations and menus; and don’t even get me started on the playlist for said party. I would share it with you… but I just can’t. 🙂 Obviously, songs from The Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice soundtracks will be featured though — along with some other less obvious choices.

I could rattle on about this forever. Here’s to hoping it actually gets to happen one day! Let me know if you want to be on the invite list. 😉 In the meantime, I’ll just have to keep archiving Halloween inspiration photos to spur my party-planning imagination for when the time comes. (I’ve been trying to convince Kyle to do a Halloween themed shoot for years, but he has yet to jump on board with the idea. Here’s to hoping for next year on that as well…)

Photo courtesy of my candy corn playtime at work during last year’s Halloween season. (Go buy your bags of candy, people!)

– Erica

Green Divider