Olympic Coffee Rings

Well the 2012 Olympic Games in London are officially over. I think I’ve watched more TV in the past two weeks than I have since college…but let’s not dwell on that.

For me, I was most drawn in by women’s gymnastic team (if they’re even old enough to be called “women”) and the superb talent of the women’s track team. What a special group of girls/ladies overall. That’s not to diminish any of the other competitors’ talents and efforts, but having been a really bad gymnast and a decent trackster I guess I just had a natural interest in these sports. I enjoyed watching the men’s teams as well but the amazing amount of composure and great attitudes of some of the women on those teams was just captivating.

Olympic Coffee Rings

So, what’s all this have to do with coffee? Absolutely nothing other than some visual inspiration that hit me during the games. What can I say, I took it as an opportunity to play a little with the Olympic rings. Who know’s what kind of inspiration will come with the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia. At this moment I’ve got nothing, but I’ve got some time.


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