Well, as is my apparent habit now I’m about three weeks into this month before I report on last month’s highs and lows. March was a busy month. Lots of great client work, lots of family fun and lots of anticipation of spring…warmer weather, warmer weather, warmer weather.
I had the honor of being asked to speak at the Nashville AIGA meeting. I actually accepted the invitation and managed to cram twenty-plus years of my career into a 53 minute presentation. If you missed the event then you didn’t get to hear some of the titles I’ve had over the years such as “art director”, “door-to-door salesman”, “genius”, “idiot” and even “presidential candidate”. Oh, and don’t forget “loser” (incase you’re wondering how my campaign turned out). Thank you AIGA Nashville for a fun evening where I got to talk about myself.
Another high for March came when Zac Hardy dropped by the studio to do some digital tech testing with a wireless shooting rig he’s developed—I could have been in a scene from Mission Impossible. He had me shooting wirelessly tethered with my Mamiya/PhaseOne to multiple devices simultaneously. Pretty neat setup and just as fast as our wired tether setup.
On a personal note, March was fun doing Boy Scout’s Pinewood Derby with my boys, multiple mocha dates with Amy, fantastic carrot cake (thank you Susan McKinney) and an almost perfect cheesecake (I’m still working on that recipe). Oh, and don’t let me forget the Nashville Art Crawl—very fun and inspiring.

I’m seeing a trend in my reporting of each month’s lows. I’m really close to considering just getting rid of the “lows” portion as I’m finding it increasingly difficult to report. It’s not that I don’t have lows in my month, I’m just finding I simply seem to be enjoying the highs more and they overshadow the lows. I know, you’re thinking “Uh, oh…Kyle’s losing his critical edge. Is it possible he’s becoming…optimistic?” Ok, ok…here’s a low for you—the water line in our fridge broke and messed up some of the flooring in our kitchen at home. That’s a low. In fact, it will probably be a low for a while as I work to muster up the energy and focus to fix it. There, see, not everything is peaches and cream around here. 🙂
So until next month (which is already three quarters done)…Have a great April!