Apparently I missed the memo about November having come and gone. How does a month go by so fast? November kept us busy for sure with our regular clients and some new projects mixed in. Oh, and I think Thanksgiving was in November, too. Here are a few highs and lows.
After weeks of planning we spent a very productive day in the studio working on a new personal series I’m calling “Marionettes” …until I come up with something more clever to title it. I’ll have more to share in a future post, but you’ll see some behind the scenes (BTS) shots below.
Aside from work, one of my highs was blocking out a couple of days to bake pies. I’m selfish that way. I need my baking time. I rarely get to (or make time to) just spend uninterupted time in the kitchen baking. And, if you know me, I like pies. Well, I like cakes, too. Pies, cakes and brownies. Oh, and don’t forget cookies. But pies have always been somewhat of a passion of mine…thanks to my Grandma Dreier’s inspiration and instruction.
Side note: I actually attempted (with some success) a four-layer cake…complete with buttercream frosting and eggnog cream filling…to celebrate my parents’ 52nd wedding anniversary.
Other personal highs…
Going with Amy and the boys to the Franklin Theatre–a restored historic theater here in Franklin–to see the movie Brave. I liked it. Another high, having family in town for Thanksgiving–all seated at a sixteen foot long table.

Well, the only thing that comes to mind as a low this month was having my long anticipated hang-time with my bud J.Mac interupted. He and I were on our way to grab some coffee and were in a car accident. Thankfully no one was seriously injured but it did mean sitting in an ambulance to get checked out instead of sitting in the coffee shop catching up with each other. I guess we made a memory. We did manage to eventually get some hangtime over coffee. I’m so thankful everyone was OK. The experience reminds me to pause and appreciate my wife and boys with a kiss or hug each time I leave the house.
What will December bring? We’ll, since December is already almost half over I can tell you it has been filled with many highs so far. I’ll share more come January.