Summer Time

When I was a kid, summer time meant play time (except when I was 10 and my family spent the entire hot Texas summer renovating a house…but that’s a whole other story). Not much has changed for me. The anticipation of summer leads me to think about what to do for fun, and work. Fun at home typically involves me and my wife dragging our boys out to do something she and I want to do, or the boys dragging us to the soccer fields or community pool.

Here at the studio I like to play a bit with some non-client shoot days. We call in a stylist (or two) and chip away at ideas that have been circling my head. It’s a play day, but like many things with me, there’s a goal to our efforts. This particular project (see “& Food” here) has a life of its own. It will take us into next year, but for now we have a few in the can. We’ll share more later. Below are some of the images we shot last week with Nashville food stylist Callie Blount. We enjoy her spontaneous editorial approach to styling.

We’ve enjoyed our play time here at work, thankfully all in the comfort of the air conditioned studio.

– Kyle
Peaches & Cream - Ampersand

Peaches & Cream

Peaches & Cream

Food Photography by Kyle Dreier  |  Food Styling by Callie Blount  |  Prop Wrangling by Emily Pierce

Green Divider