With the passing of the holiday season and all the food/face-stuffing that accompanies it, haha, inevitably it’s time for New Year’s Resolutions… and particularly those that relate to diets.
I know some regular gym-goers that get all up-in-arms about the new year and the influx of people it brings to the gym… whether it be for a couple days, couple weeks, or even months perhaps; but I say, let people have their resolutions for however long they want to keep them! Good for them for trying something different, maybe even out of their comfort zone and aspiring to change an aspect of their life. While my own resolutions tend to revolve around other goals (such as reading more or purging my closets of knick-knacks), I have no qualms with people setting fitness goals for the new year. Eating better, sleeping more, working out—go for it, if you feel like that’s the fresh start you need in January!
So while we’re talking about eating better and being healthier… you can’t ignore the presence of salads in this equation. It’s that default health food that everyone references at the mention of a diet plan. Personally, I love a good salad and could eat them multiple times a week; but the key is variety (to keep it from becoming too repetitive and boring), and I feel this is somewhat of a universal sentiment.
As timing would have it, we recently shot with the team at Ruby Tuesday for both their new Garden Bar and its multitude of ingredients/house made dressings, as well as, their off-the menu salads. For now, I’ll share from the menu-based salad offerings. Typically whenever I think of salads, I just think about making them at home since a lot of restaurant’s salads seem bland and leave my stomach growling; but they have some great options that are making me rethink the possibility of getting a good salad while out and about! Ruby Tuesday is really changing the salad game and it was fun getting to see what their creative chefs came up with. Also, it’s really refreshing to see how restaurants are taking into consideration the desires of those who want to eat healthier, all the while not sacrificing the fun and variety of a good, filling meal.
Take a gander at these photos to see some of the many possibilities available at Ruby Tuesday. We had a lot of fun shooting these, playing with the ingredients, anddddd maybe munching in-between shots. 😉
– Erica

Food Photographer • Kyle Dreier | Food Stylist • Whitney Kemp